Auteur | Titel | Journal |
van der Linden, van den Brand, van de Wijngaard, de Beaufort, van der Linden, Jellema. | A dedicated neurologist at the emergency department during out-of-office hours decreases patients' length of stay and admission percentages. | Journal of Neurology |
Van der Linden, Van Loon, Gaakeer, Richards, Derlet, Van der Linden | A different crowd, a different crowding level? The predefined thresholds of crowding scales may not be optimal for all emergency departments. | International Emergency Nursing |
S.H. Hijlkema | A longitudinal and cross-sectional study of Epstein-Barr virus DNA load: a possible predictor of AIDS-related lymphoma in HIV infected patients | Infectious Diseases |
Kursten LJM, Visser A, Emous M, Lameijer; | A patient with a red and swollen leg | Nederlands Tijdschrift voor Geneeskunde |
Stolmeijer R, Bouma HR, Zijlstra JG, Drost-de Klerck AM, Ter Maaten JC, Ligtenberg JJM.; | A Systematic Review of the Effects of Hyperoxia in Acutely Ill Patients: Should We Aim for Less?; | Biomed Research International |
Hobbelink EL, Salomons MA, Soetekouw R. | A woman with blue fingers | Nederlands Tijdschrift voor Geneeskunde |
T. Schuurs | A woman with severe abdominal pain and endometriosis in the past | Nederlands Tijdschrift voor Geneeskunde |
Rosier SE, Otten R, Brugts JJ, Hoek AE. | Allergic acute coronary syndrome in exercise-induced anaphylaxis. | Netherlands Journal of Medicine |
de Roo, Dobbe, Ridderikhof, Goslings, van der Horst, Beenen, Streekstra, Strackee | Analysis of instability patterns in acute scaphoid fractures by 4-dimensional computed tomographic imaging – A prospective cohort pilot study protocol | International Journal of Surgery Protocols |
Van Der Linden MC, Van Loon M, Feenstra NSF, Van Der Linden N. | Assessing bottlenecks in Emergency Department flow of patients with abdominal pain. | International Emergency Nursing |
Alexandridis G | Association of pre-treatment radiographic characteristics of calcaneal fractures on patient-reported outcomes. | International Orthopaedics |
Lucke JA, de Gelder J, Blomaard LC, Fogteloo AJ, Alsma J, Schuit SCE, Brink A, de Groot B, Blauw GJ, Mooijaart SP | CAM-ICU may not be the optimal screening tool for early delirium screening in older Emergency Department patients: a prospective cohort study.
| European Journal of Emergency Medicine |
Van Barneveld KW | Comparability of histological outcomes in rats and humans in a hernia model | Journal of Surgical Research |
de Groot B | Determinants of self-related health in older adults before and 3 months after an emergency department visit: a prospective study | European Journal of Emergency Medicine |
van de Maat JS, van Klink D, den Hartogh-Griffioen A, Schmidt-Cnossen E, Rippen H, Hoek AE, Neill S, Lakhanpaul M, Moll HA, Oostenbrink R. | Development and evaluation of a hospital discharge information package to empower parents in caring for a child with a fever. | BMJ Open |
Kraaijvanger N, Rijpsma D, Roovers L, van Leeuwen H, Kaasjager K, van den Brand L, Horstink L, Edwards M. | Development and validation of an admission prediction tool for emergency departments in the Netherlands. | Emergency Medicine Journal |
Vuurberg, Hoorntje, Wink, van der Doelen, van den Bekerom, Dekker, van Dijk, Krips, Loogman, Ridderikhof, Smithuis, Stufkens, Verhagen, de Bie, Kerkhoffs | Diagnosis, treatment and prevention of ankle sprains: update of an evidence-based clinical guideline. | British Journal of Sports Medicine |
D.L.C.M. van den Bersselaar, M. Maas, W.A.M.H. Thijssen | Does X?ray imaging by GPC at emergency care access points in the Netherlands change patient flow and reduce ED crowding? A cohort study | Health Science Reports |
M Gaaker, DN Baden | Drukte op de SEH vergt integrale aanpak | Medisch Contact |
Lucke JA, de Gelder J, Clarijs F, Heringhaus C, de Craen AJM, Fogteloo AJ, Blauw GJ, Groot B, Mooijaart SP | Early prediction of hospital admission for Emergency Department patients: a comparison between patients younger or older than 70 years. | Emergency Medicine Journal |
Benthem E, Brown V | Een vrouw met een gezwollen, blauwrood verkleurd been [A woman with swelling and blue-red discolouration of the leg] | Nederlands Tijdschrift voor Geneeskunde |
Lameijer H, Aalberts JJJ, van Veldhuisen DJ, Meijer K, Pieper PG | Efficacy and safety of direct oral anticoagulants during pregnancy; a systematic literature review | Thrombosis Research |
Boendermaker AE, Coolsma CW, Emous M, Ter Avest E.; | Efficacy of scheduled return visits for emergency department patients with non-specific abdominal pain.; | Emergency Medicine Journal |
Velt KB, Cnossen M, Rood PPM, Steyerberg EW, Polinder S, Lingsma HF; CENTER-TBI investigators. | Emergency department overcrowding: a survey among European neurotrauma centres. | Emergency Medicine Journal |
Rein Ketelaars, Joram T. Stollman, Evelien van Eeten, Ties Eikendal, Jörgen Bruhn and Geert-Jan van Geffen | Emergency physician-performed ultrasound-guided nerve blocks in proximal femoral fractures provide safe and effective study in The Netherlands | International Journal of Emergency Medicine |
Foks KA*, van den Brand CL*, Lingsma HF, van der Naalt J, Jacobs B, de Jong E, den Boogert HF, Sir Ö, Patka P, Polinder S, Gaakeer MI, Schutte CE, Jie KE, Visee HF, Hunink MGM, Reijners E, Braaksma M, Schoonman GG, Steyerberg EW, Jellema K, Dippel DWJ. | External validation of computed tomography decision rules for minor head injury: prospective, multicentre cohort study in the Netherlands. | BMJ |
Cathelijne Duijzer, Thomas C Schuurs, Willem Wisselink | Giant, 20 cm Diameter, Ruptured Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm: A Case Report | EJVES Short Reports |
de Groot B | Handboek voor het optimaliseren van zorg voor de Acuut Presenterende Oudere Patient op de Spoedeisende Hulp. Versie 2018 | Boek |
Ter Avest E, Onnes BT, van der Vaart T, Land MJ | Hurry up, it's quiet in the emergency department | Netherlands Journal of Medicine |
van der Does Y, Rood PPM, Ramakers C, Schuit SCE, Patka P, van Gorp ECM, Limper M. | Identifying patients with bacterial infections using a combination of C-reactive protein, procalcitonin, TRAIL, and IP-10 in the emergency department: a prospective observational cohort study. | Clinical Microbiology and Infection |
Lucke JA, de Gelder J, Heringhaus C, van der Mast RC, Fogteloo AJ, Anten S, Blauw GJ, de Groot B, Mooijaart SP | Impaired cognition is associated with adverse outcome in older patients in the Emergency Department; the Acutely Presenting Older Patients (APOP) study. | Age and Ageing |
de Groot B | Independent determinants of prolonged emergency department length of stay in a tertiary care centre: a prospective cohort study | Scandinavian Journal of Trauma, Resuscitation and Emergency Medicine |
Kraaijvanger N, Rijpsma D, van Leeuwen H, Edwards M. | Introducing copayments in the emergency department would deter appropriate visits in the Netherlands. | European Journal of Emergency Medicine |
Mérelle, Boerema, van der Linden, Gilissen | Issues in emergency care for people who attempted suicide | Nederlands Tijdschrift voor Geneeskunde |
GJP Smits | Leerboek acute geneeskunde, 4e druk, hoofdstuk procedurele sedatie | Boek |
Heuts S, Al Khoury F, Sardari Nia P | Lighthearted: Pneumopericardium after mitral valve repair | Journal of Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery
B. Driesen | Long length of stay at the emergency department is mostly caused by organisational factors | PLOS ONE |
Bel.L. | Navicular fracture with talo-naviculair subluxation | Journal of Emergency Medicine |
van Hooff L, Barten DG, Potjewijd J, van Paassen P | Necrotizing vasculitis in immediate response to a shoulder dislocation | American Journal of Emergency Medicine |
Van der Naald N, Prins MI, Otten K, | Novel Approach to Treat Uncomplicated Sigmoid Volvulus Combining Minimally Invasive Surgery with Enhanced Recovery, in a Rural Hospital in Zambia | World Journal of Surgery |
De Gelder J, Lucke JA, Blomaard LC, Booijen AM, Fogteloo AJ, Anten S, Steyerberg EW, Alsma J, Klein Nagelvoort Schuit SCE, Brink A, de Groot B, Blauw GJ, Mooijaart SP. | Optimization of the APOP-screener to predict functional decline or mortality in older Emergency Department patients: Cross validation of four prospective cohorts.
| Experimental Gerontology |
Judith E van Zanden , Susanne Wagenaar , Jozine M Ter Maaten , Jan C Ter Maaten , Jack J M Ligtenberg | Pain score, desire for pain treatment and effect on pain satisfaction in the emergency department: a prospective, observational study | BMC Emergency Medicine |
van Winden DFM, Westra A, Dennesen PJW, Monnink SHJ, Verdouw BC, le Kluse R | Painful Recall in Elective Electrical Cardioversion with Propofol and the Need for Additional Analgesia. | Cardiology Research and Practice |
Snijder, Renes, Suttorp, Ten Berg, Post | Percutaneous patent foramen ovale closure using the Occlutech Figulla device: More than 1,300 patient-years of follow up. | Catheterization and Cardiovascular Interventions |
De Gelder J, Lucke JA, de Groot B, Fogteloo AJ, Anten S, Heringhaus C, Dekkers OM, Blauw GJ, Mooijaart SP. | Predictors and outcomes of a revisit in older patients discharged from the Emergency Department.
| Journal of the American Geriatrics Society |
Alam N, Oskam E, Stassen PM, Exter PV, van de Ven PM, Haak HR, Holleman F, Zanten AV, Leeuwen-Nguyen HV, Bon V, Duineveld BAM, Nannan Panday RS, Kramer MHH, Nanayakkara PWB; Holkenborg J | Prehospital antibiotics in the ambulance for sepsis: a multicentre, open label, randomised trial | Lancet Respiratory Medicine |
van der Does Y, Limper M, Jie KE, Schuit SCE, Jansen H, Pernot N, van Rosmalen J, Poley MJ, Ramakers C, Patka P, van Gorp ECM, Rood PPM. | Procalcitonin-guided antibiotic therapy in patients with fever in a general emergency department population: a multicentre non-inferiority randomized clinical trial (HiTEMP study). | Clinical Microbiology and Infection |
Witt M, van Wessel DBE, de Kleine RHJ, Bruggink JLM, Hulscher JBF, Verkade HJ; NeSBAR (Netherlands Study group on Biliary Atresia Registry). | Prognosis of Biliary Atresia After 2-year Survival With Native Liver: A Nationwide Cohort Analysis | Journal of Pediatric Gastroenterology and Nutrition |
Barten DG | Pseudoaneurysm of the superior lateral genicular artery following anterior cruciate ligament repair | Acta Chirurgica Belgica |
Abdoellakhan RA, Khorsand N, Van Hest RM, Veeger N, Ter Avest E, Ypma PF, Faber LM, Meijer K. | Randomised controlled trial protocol to evaluate a fixed dose prothrombin complex concentrate against the variable dose in vitamin K antagonist related bleeding (PROPER3) | BMJ Open |
de Groot B | Recognition of acute organ failure and associated fluid and oxygen resuscitation by emergency medical services of emergency department patients with a suspected infection. | International Emergency Nursing |
de Groot B | Review article: Sepsis in the emergency department - Part 2: Investigations and monitoring. | Emergency Medicine Australasia |
Vendrik, Stijnis, Ridderikhof, van Thiel | Slangenbeten in Nederland. Huisarts en Wetenschap | Huisarts & Wetenschap |
Warmerdam M, Baris L, van Liebergen M, Ansems A, Esteve Cuevas L, Willeboer M, Rijpsma D, Shetty AL, de Groot B. | The association between systolic blood pressure and in-hospital mortality in older emergency department patients who are hospitalised with a suspected infection. | Emergency Medicine Journal |
Byrne C, Toarta C, Backus B, Holt T | The HEART score in predicting major adverse cardiac events in patients presenting to the emergency department with possible acute coronary syndrome: protocol for a systematic review and meta-analysis | Systematic Reviews |
Lucke JA, van der Mast RC, de Gelder J, Heim N, de Groot B, Mooijaart SP, Blauw GJ. | The Six-Item Cognitive Impairment Test is associated with adverse outcomes in acutely hospitalised older patients: a prospective cohort study.
| Dementia and Geriatric Cognitive Disorders Extra |
Heringhaus C | The YEARS algorithm for suspected pulmonary embolism:shorter visit time and reduced costs at the Emergency department. | Journal of Thrombosis and Haemostasis |
Pouwels S, Nijdam C | Thoracic empyema and pectoral abscess resulting from attempting suicide by injection of benzene in the pleural cavity | Respiratory Medicine Case Reports |
Crispijn L Van den Brand 1, Lennard B Karger 2, Susanne T M Nijman 3, Myriam G M Hunink 4 5, Peter Patka 1, Korné Jellema 6 | Traumatic brain injury in the Netherlands, trends in emergency department visits, hospitalization and mortality between 1998 and 2012 | European Journal of Emergency Medicine |
Theunissen JMG, Lameijer H | Treating her well | Emergency Medicine Journal |
Van der Naald N, Engelsman AF, Engelbrecht MRW | Tuberculosis presenting as a pancreatic cystic neoplasm | BMJ Case Reports |
van Wessel DB, Witt M, Bax N, Verkade HJ, Scheenstra R, de Kleine RH, Hulscher JB. | Variceal Bleeds in Patients with Biliary Atresia. | European Journal of Pediatric Surgery |
Venema E, Boodt N, Berkhemer OA, Rood PPM, van Zwam WH, van Oostenbrugge RJ, van der Lugt A, Roos YBWEM, Majoie CBLM, Lingsma HF, Dippel DWJ; MR CLEAN investigators. | Workflow and factors associated with delay in the delivery of intra-arterial treatment for acute ischemic stroke in the MR CLEAN trial. | Journal of NeuroInterventional Surgery |
Schaafsma AE, van der Have EA, Lameijer H | Worth one’s salt | Netherlands Heart Journal |