Auteur | Titel | Journal |
I.T.B.Berg | Preventing drowning; an implementation guide | Geneva: World Health Organisation; 2017. Licence: CC BY-NC- SA 3.0 IGO |
Alexandridis G | A trauma system wide evaluation of the demographic, injury and fracture characteristics of patients with calcaneal fractures: a comparison of trauma level I and II centers. | Clinical Research on Foot and Ankle |
Schuurs, Vandewalle, Dickhoff. | A woman with severe abdominal pain and endometriosis in the past. | Nederlands Tijdschrift voor Geneeskunde |
M.Ridderikhof, E. vandewalle | Acetaminohen or nonsteroidal antiinflammatory drugs in acute musculoskeletal trauma | Annals of Emergency Medicine |
Verdonschot RJCG, Baijens L, Vanbelle S, van de Kolk I, Kemer B, Leue C. | Affective symptoms in patients with oropharyngeal dysphagia: A systematic review. | Journal of Psychosomatic Research |
Van Laarhoven SN, Latten GHP, de Loos ER, van Hemert W, Vles GF | Annual trauma load of the world's largest indoor skiing center | European Journal of Trauma and Emergency Surgery |
Brouns SH, van der Schuit KC, Stassen PM, Lambooij SL, Dieleman J, Vanderfeesten IT, Haak HR. | Applicability of the modified Emergency Department Work Index (mEDWIN) at a Dutch emergency department. | PLOS ONE |
Hoek AE, Hamer MVD, Deelstra CK, van Beeck EF, Dippel DWJ, Haagsma JA, Rood PPM. | Attitude of patients, healthcare professionals, and noninjured lay persons towards online video instructions on mild traumatic brain injury: a cross-sectional study. | International Journal of Emergency Medicine |
Sneep, R.W. | Bilateral trampoline fracture of the proximal tibia in a child | Radiology Case Reports |
Baden DN, Roetman MH | Biomechanical reposition techniques in anterior shoulder dislocation: a randomised multicentre clinical trial- the BRASD-trial protocol | BMJ Open |
Kusters RW | Blood warming, pump heating and haemolysis in low-flow extracorporeal life support: an in vitro study using freshly donated human blood | Perfusion |
Huis in ‘t Veld MA, Craft CA, Hood RE. | Blunt Cardiac Trauma Review. | Cardiology Clinics |
Van Der Linden, Rambach, Van Der Linden. | Case report: A patient with malaria at the emergency department. | International Emergency Nursing |
Mahajan M, Tolman C, Würth B, Rhemrev SJ. | Clinical evaluation vs magnetic resonance imaging of the skier’s thumb: | European Journal of Radiology |
J.M. Poldervaart, M. Langedijk, B.E. Backus, I. Dekker, A.J. Six, P.A. Doevendans, A.W. Hoes, J.B. Reitsma. | Comparison of the GRACE, HEART and TIMI score to predict major adverse cardiac events in chest pain patients at the emergency department | International Journal of Cardiology |
van den Hout WJ, van der Wilden GM, Boot F, Idenburg FJ, Rhemrev SJ, Hoencamp R. | Early CT scanning in the emergency department in patients with penetrating injuries: does it affect outcome? | European Journal of Trauma and Emergency Surgery |
Kerstin Mager, Joost Frenken, Marc Guijt | Een jongen met een onbelastbare knie na een sprong | Nederlands Tijdschrift voor Geneeskunde |
Van Rhee, Van Bentum, Van Keulen, Kuypers, Haak. | Een patiënt met ernstige digoxine-intoxicatie | Nederlands Tijdschrift voor Geneeskunde |
Salden en Postma. | Een vrouw met ‘excessive dynamic airway collapse’ | Nederlands Tijdschrift voor Geneeskunde |
Dirk Houtman, Dennis G. Barten en Anjob N. Laurent-de Gast. | Een vrouw met pijn in de lies na beenmergpunctie | Nederlands Tijdschrift voor Geneeskunde |
Poldervaart JM, Reitsma JB, Backus BE, et all | Effect of Using the HEART Score in Patients With Chest Pain in the Emergency Department: A Stepped-Wedge, Cluster Randomized Trial | Annals of Internal Medicine |
Bertoli-Avella AM, Haagsma JA, van Tiel S, Erasmus V, Polinder S, van Beeck EF, Patka P, Rood PPM. | Frequent users of the emergency department services in the largest academic hospital in the Netherlands: a 5-year report. | European Journal of Emergency Medicine |
Hollman EJ,…Alexandridis G | Functional outcomes and quality of life in patients with subtalar arthrodesis for posttraumatic arthritis. | Injury |
Lameijer & Stolmeijer | hartcontusie na een trauma | Nederlands Tijdschrift voor Geneeskunde |
Lauke Bisschops, Stacey Mans, Katja Wüstefeld, Rhona Eveleigh Verenso | Het verschil in persoonlijkheid en leefstijl tussen de spoedeisende hulp arts en de specialist ouderengeneeskunde | Tijdschrift voor Ouderengeneeskunde |
Van Barneveld KW | Impact of tissue adhesives on the prevention of anastomotic leakage of colonic anastomoses: an in vivo study | International Journal of Colorectal Disease |
Kuypers, Plötz, Mencl | Implementation strategies for procedural sedation and analgesia in the emergency department. | International Journal of Emergency Medicine |
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De Groot B, Struyk B, Najafi R, Halma N, Pelser L, Vorst D, Mertens B, Ansems A, Rijpsma D. | Inclusion of emergency department patients in early stages of sepsis in a quality improvement programme has the potential to improve survival: a prospective dual-centre study. | Emergency Medicine Journal |
Thoma, Sebok-Syer, Krishnan, Siemens, Trueger, Colmers-Gray, Woods, Petrusa, Chan; METRIQ Study Collaborators. | Individual Gestalt Is Unreliable for the Evaluation of Quality in Medical Education Blogs: A METRIQ Study. | Annals of Emergency Medicine |
Warmerdam M, Stolwijk F, Boogert A, Sharma M, Tetteroo L, Lucke J, Mooijaart S, Ansems A, Esteve Cuevas L, Rijpsma D, de Groot B. | Initial disease severity and quality of care of emergency department sepsis patients who are older or younger than 70 years of age | PLOS ONE |
Douma MR, Dijkstra BL, Burg MD: | Knee Dislocation: A Case Report, Diagnostic Vascular Work-Up, and Literature Review | Case Reports in Emergency Medicine |
Shetty A, MacDonald SP, Williams JM, van Bockxmeer J, de Groot B, Esteve Cuevas LM, Ansems A, Green M, Thompson K, Lander H, Greenslade J, Finfer S, Iredell J. | Lactate ≥2 mmol/L plus qSOFA improves utility over qSOFA alone in emergency department patients presenting with suspected sepsis. | Emergency Medicine Australasia |
Hoeffelman, Mahi, Schuurs en Horsthuis | Lokale pijn linksboven in de buik. | Medisch Contact |
Van der Heide M, v Lieshout K | Low molecular weight heparin for prevention of venous thromboembolism in patients with lower-limb immobilization | Cochrane System Review |
Minderhoud TC, Spruyt C, Huisman S, Oskam E, Schuit SCE, Levin M. | Microbiological outcomes and antibiotic overuse in Emergency Department patients with suspected sepsis. | Netherlands Journal of Medicine |
lameijer h | Myocardial Infarction During Pregnancy; Not Only Coronary Artery Dissections: Comment on Rose et al., Pregnancy-Related Spontaneous Coronary Artery Dissection: A Case Series and Literature Review | Journal of Emergency Medicine |
Groutars YM | Nadroparin or fondaparinux versus no thromboprophylaxis in patients immobilised in a below-knee plaster cast (PROTECT): A randomised controlled trial. | Injury |
Luiken GPM, Joore IK, Taselaar A, Schuit SCE, Geerlings S, Govers A, Rood PPM, Prins JM, Nichols BE, Verbon A, Sluijs TEMS. | Non-targeted HIV screening in emergency departments in the Netherlands | Netherlands Journal of Medicine |
de Gelder J, Haenen E, Lucke JA, Klop HG, Blomaard LC, Smit RAJ, Mesri K, de Groot B, Fogteloo AJ, Anten S, Blauw GJ, Mooijaart SP | Optimising the ISAR-HP to screen efficiently for functional decline in older patients.
| Netherlands Journal of Medicine |
Pierik J, IJzerman M, Gaakeer M, Vollenbroek-Hutten M, Doggen C. | Painful Discrimination in the Emergency Department: Risk Factors for Underassessment of Patients’ Pain by Nurses | Journal of Emergency Nursing |
van Galen LS, Brabrand M, Cooksley T, van de Ven PM, Merten H, So RK, van Hooff L, N E Mullaart-Jansen | Patients’ and providers’ perceptions of the preventability of hospital readmission: a prospective, observational study in four European countries | BMJ Quality Safety |
Heringhaus C | Peripheral Neuropathy, Episodic Rhabdomyolysis, and Hypoparathyroidism in a Patient with Mitochondrial Trifunctional Protein Deficiency. | Journal of Inherited Metabolic Disease |
H. Lameijer,corresponding author1,2 M. C. Lont,3 H. Buter,3 A. J. van Boven,4 P. W. Boonstra,4 and P. G. Pieper1 | Pregnancy-related myocardial infarction. | Netherlands Heart Journal |
S. Loggers, E. vandewalle | Preoperative chest radiographs in hip fractures | European Journal of Orthopaedic Surgery & Traumatology |
Kuypers MI, Smits GJP, Baerends EP, Oskam E, Reijners EPJ, Mignot-Evers LAA, Thijssen WAMH, Plötz FB, Korsten EHM | Procedural sedation and analgesia practices by emergency physicians in the Netherlands: a nationwide survey. | International Journal of Emergency Medicine |
W. Kluijfhout, R.T.C. Welsing. | Procedurele sedatie en analgesie met lachgas bij kinderen op de SEH.
| Nederlands Tijdschrift voor Geneeskunde |
van den Nouland DP, Brouwers MC, Stassen PM. | Prognostic value of plasma lactate levels in a retrospective cohort presenting at a university hospital emergency department. | BMJ Open |
Lameijer H, Sikkema YT, Pol A, Bosch MGE, Beije F, Feenstra R, Bens BWJ, Ter Avest E. | Propofol versus midazolam for procedural sedation in the emergency department: A study on efficacy and safety. | American Journal of Emergency Medicine |
Van der ven. Timmers, Welsing. Olden | Radiographic examination alone is not a good indication for surgical intervention of displace midshaft clavicle fractures.
| Journal of Orthopaedics, Trauma and Rehabilitation |
Pickering & Ter Avest et al | Rapid Rule-out of Acute Myocardial Infarction With a Single High-Sensitivity Cardiac Troponin T Measurement Below the Limit of Detection: A Collaborative Meta-analysis. Ann Intern Med. | Annals of Internal Medicine |
de Groot B | Recurrent cyanosis and hypoxemia | Visual Journal of Emergency Medicine |
Allison M, Winters ME, Huis In 't Veld MA, Bostick DS, Witting M, Fisher KR, Goloubeva OG. | Reply to: Point-of-care ultrasound during advanced cardiopulmonary resuscitation: Rule of art have to be respected! | Resuscitation |
M.J. Elzinga, J.M. Hoogendoorn, P. van der Zwaal, D.J. Hofstee, J.G. Klijnsma, P. Plantinga, H.R. Holtslag, E.T. Walbeehm, H.A. Rakhorst | Richtlijn open onderbeenfractuur | Federatie Medisch Specialisten/ NVvH |
Lena M Boerma, Eef P J Reijners, Roger A P A, Hessels, Martijn A A V Hooft | Risk factors for unplanned transfer to the intensive care unit after emergency department admission | American Journal of Emergency Medicine |
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Venema E*, Mulder MJHL*, Roozenbeek B, Broderick JP, Yeatts SD, Khatri P, BerkhemerOA, Emmer BJ, Roos YBWEM, Majoie CBLM, van Oostenbrugge RJ, van Zwam WH, van der Lugt A, Steyerberg EW, Dippel DWJ, Lingsma HF | Selection of patients for endovascular treatment of ischemic stroke: development and validation of a clinical decision tool in two randomized trials | BMJ |
M. Mahajan, S. Magnano di San Lio, L. Dawson | Shocking haemolysis. | Netherlands Journal of Critical Care |
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SR Gopal, et all | Spontaneous Cerebrospinal Hypotension: a case report | Journal of Clinical Anesthesia and Pain Management |
van den Brand CL, Tolido T, Rambach AH, Hunink MG, Patka P, Jellema K. | Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis: Is Pre-Injury Antiplatelet Therapy Associated with Traumatic Intracranial Hemorrhage? | Journal of Neurotrauma |
Huis in ‘t Veld MA, Cullen L, Mahler SA, Backus BE, Dezman ZDW, Mattu A. | The Fast and the Furious. Low Risk chest pain and the rapid rule out protocol | Western Journal of Emergency Medicine |
Veltmeijer MT | The Impact of Central and Peripheral Cyclooxygenase Enzyme Inhibition on Exercise-Induced Elevations in Core Body Temperature | International Journal of Sports Physiology and Performance |
de Groot B, Stolwijk F, Warmerdam M, Lucke JA, Singh GK, Abbas M, Mooijaart SP, Ansems A, Esteve Cuevas L, Rijpsma D. | The most commonly used disease severity scores are inappropriate for risk stratification of older emergency department sepsis patients: an observational multi-centre study. | Scandinavian Journal of Trauma, Resuscitation and Emergency Medicine |
Alsma, van Saase, Nanayakkara, Schouten, Baten, Bauer, Holleman, Ligtenberg, Stassen, Kaasjager, Haak, Bosch, Schuit | The Power of Flash Mob Research: Conducting a Nationwide Observational Clinical Study on Capillary Refill Time in a Single Day.: | Chest |
POT-CAST Group | Thromboprophylaxis after Knee Arthroscopy and Lower-Leg Casting. | New England Journal of Medicine |
Mulder MJ*, Venema E*, Roozenbeek B, Broderick JP, Yeatts SD, Khatri P, Berkhemer OA, Roos YB, Majoie CB, van Oostenbrugge RJ, van Zwam WH, van der Lugt A, Steyerberg EW, Dippel DW, Lingsma HF | Towards personalized endovascular treatment of patients with ischemic stroke: a study protocol for development and validation of a clinical decision aid | BMJ Open |
Van der Linden, Hooda, Van der Linden. | Two emergency departments, 6000 km apart: Differences in patient flow and staff perceptions about crowding. | International Emergency Nursing |
Huis in ‘t Veld MA, Allison MG, Bostick DS, Fisher KR, Goloubeva OG, Witting MD, Winters ME. | Ultrasound Use During Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation Causes Delays in Chest Compressions. | Resuscitation |
Zachariasse JM, Seiger N, Rood PPM, Alves C, Freitas P, Smit F, Roukema G, Moll HA. | Validity of the Manchester Triage System in emergency care: A prospective observational study. | PLOS ONE |
Van Capelle, De Valk, Schakenraad, Germans, Ten Oever. | Ventrikelfibrilleren door capecitabine. | Nederlands Tijdschrift voor Geneeskunde |
Kraaijvanger N, Rijpsma D, Willink L, Lucassen P, van Leeuwen H, Edwards M. | Why patients self-refer to the Emergency Department: A qualitative interview study. | Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice |